
Congrats on taking the next steps to Meet your match!

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This is just for the Matchmakers to see and learn more about you.
Make any additions/edits, then add in photos of yourself. *You will need to put in your email and reset the password the first time you login.

LUMA Success Stories

"Imagine my surprise when I met the love of my life through LUMA. Thank you so much for changing my life!"
Jay and Kathi - Perfect partner at LUMA
Jay and Kathi
"I just wanted to say thank you for introducing me to Jason. He's the love of my life and we'll be forever grateful."
Jason and Khrystena - Perfect partner at LUMA.
Jason and Khrystena
"I am very pleased to be working with April and her staff. I cannot imagine dating in any other context."
Find perfect partner at LUMA
Kent and Coleen
"Kristin and I are doing great and got married in Cabo in April. Now we're busy building a house together."
Kristin and Steven 014 scaled e1687200577291
Steve (CEO/Owner) & Kristin (Wellness Professional)
"The connection is very genuine, as she's playful, fun-loving with an amazing emotional spirit. Things are going great!"
LUMA Matchmaking Reviews Jen Kevin
Kevin (Entrepreneur) & Jen (VP)
"Morgan and I are still together. We are very happy with each other. Thank you so much for matching us."
AnnMo photo resize 1 v2
Morgan (Attorney) & Ann (Real Estate Professional)