
Lesbian Dating Advice: How to Get Started, Where to Find a Matchmaker

In the last couple of decades, the world has made significant strides in becoming more open and accepting of people of all ages, ethnicities, and sexual orientations. 

About 3% of the world population identify as gay, lesbian, or homosexual. To put it simply, this equates to 210 million people worldwide. 

Here are the best tips to keep your matching process a breeze for lesbians eager to dive into the dating world, especially those who have just recently come out. And if everything else fails, we’ll also point you to the best lesbian millionaire matchmaker. 

Master the Labels

The LGBTQ+ community is multi-branched. Regarding its lesbian community, there is certain terminology to keep in mind. Understanding terms like femme, butch, sporty, and chapstick can help you with your sense of identity and dating preferences.

However, getting too hung up on the correct and corresponding labels can be a bad thing for you in the long run. Sexuality and gender identity are two fluid categories, and instead of forcing yourself into a box, you should feel free to express yourself. Knowing the labels is fine but don’t force any of them upon yourself if they don’t feel right.

Make a Move

Who should make the first move in the courting phase of a lesbian relationship? Society has created unreasonable and somewhat ridiculous cisnormative expectations about relationship roles. So, it is understandable if you are unsure about certain social conventions like who asks whom out, who makes the first move, who pays for dinner, etc. 

The good thing is, when it comes to the ladies, you can both browse the market of options yourself, or find a date through a lesbian millionaire matchmaker. If a woman catches your eye, ask her out and plan a date for the two of you instead of doubting yourself. Women will appreciate your confidence.

Don’t Jump in Too Fast

Smiling black lesbian woman pulling girlfriend close in park

When you start dating someone you really like, your body responds by releasing the love hormone, scientifically known as oxytocin. It helps create feelings of love, trust, and empathy, which can lower your stress and improve your overall health.

Nonetheless, you shouldn’t dive into a serious relationship too quickly just because you feel good. The lesbian U-haul stereotype – when two women in a relationship move in together after a short dating period – exists for a good reason. So instead of jumping into the committed part of the relationship, take the time to enjoy the honeymoon and getting-to-know-each other phases.


It may seem like a given fact, but the truth is that many people overlook this basic step of any relationship. Whether your relationship is just starting out or has become official, always strive to communicate your needs, wants, and expectations, and let your partner do the same.

Communication can include anything from dinner plans to your sex life, issues, boundaries, and insecurities. By proper interaction, you will be two happy women riding into the sunset, feeling pretty good about themselves and the person next to them.

The Best Lesbian Millionaire Matchmaker for You  

Dating can be wonderful but also stressful – especially for newbies on the lesbian dating scene. Hiring a matchmaker is a good idea when you’re just starting to navigate the dating world. 

A leading lesbian millionaire matchmaker, we at LUMA have extensive experience in connecting busy professional LGBTQ singles with their potential lifelong partners through our exclusive service.  

Become a member today, and leave it to our professionals to find the right woman for you!

Make Sure You Take The Next Steps To Meet Your Match!

Join our Network if you haven’t already and then Meet with a Matchmaker!

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