Answers to Your Dating Questions

As an Expert Dating Coach, I love helping people out by giving advice to their dating questions. Here are some answers to some of your dating questions that were asked on Facebook and answered on “The Jason Show”:

Q: “I can’t figure out where all of the single men are or hang out in the first place. Any ideas?” -Kimberly

A: I would suggest to Kimberly to think about what she likes to do and wants to do with her man! Start talking to strangers to meet a potential match while participating in these activities. If she’s into rock climbing, she should go to events or places where those kinds of guys are going to hang out.

Meetup is a great app/website to find like-minded people that enjoy similar activities or share similar passions. Simply fill out a profile, select your interests or groups you want to follow, and meet up! Even if you don’t meet a love interest there, you can meet others who enjoy the same things that you do. Just be sure to step out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there so that you can open up the opportunity to allow love in!

Q: “How does a 50-something woman find a family man that isn’t looking for a 30-something girl? I’m old school and not looking for online help.” -Debbie

A: Online is where a lot of people are, including all ages. There are also dating sites specifically for older singles who are looking for someone their age. Similar to the advice I had for Kimberly, do activities you enjoy and you could meet a new potential partner there. If you haven’t met someone yet at your usual spots, try branching out and trying some new spots (different fitness centers, different churches, etc.).

Q: “If a person to takes hours to text you back but conveniently calls you when they want. Should you stop dating them?” -Nicole

A: I think this depends on where your relationship is at. So when you first start seeing somebody, you’re both going different speeds. Some people are going 100 mph and are ready for a relationship while there’s others who are just casually dating a couple of people and feeling out what they want. It can take some time to get on the same page with what you want from a relationship with each other and you both need to be understanding of that. But also, if someone is prioritizing you as much as you are, then you probably have to cut it off and go your separate ways.

Q: “Any tips on how to drop the hint that you don’t like the person you met online anymore?” -Jana

A: I don’t think you should just drop a hint. It’s important to be honest and polite to people. Just let them know this is where things are at. You don’t want to waste there time so be respectful of them and not lead them on. You could say “you can probably see that this isn’t going anywhere” so that you are bringing up the touchy issue in a nice but straightforward way.

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