How to Find Your Dream Man or Woman in 2020

The power of positive thinking seems like an invalid concept in the dating world. As a single person, you may find it difficult to maintain the hope that “the one” or at least “the one for now” is out there. Don’t let relationships that failed in the past get you down, and don’t compare your relationships to your friends’. Romance novels may seem to give you false hope at times, but, rest assured, there is hope. You have the power to be more positive than you could have imagined.

High performers in the dating world may benefit from becoming positive expecters instead of positive thinkers. This means anticipating what could go wrong and resolving it in your head to calm yourself, instead of imagining a relationship solely composed of butterflies and rainbows. Applying this mindset to the way you approach dating will do you a world of good in the long run. You will learn to approach dating positively, but practically.  (read this blog post for more dating tips for men and women)

In addition to the first approach, creating an alter ego may be the answer to your next night out with friends. Draft a version of yourself that will serve you well in the dating world. Be aware of yourself, your surroundings, and how they intermix with potential love interests. What version of yourself will best help you attract your next partner or great love?

Is it someone who is negative, doubtful, and without hope of ever finding someone? Or, is it someone who is open to new relationships, entering the dating scene with a great attitude and practical, positive outlook for the future of their romantic life? Let’s hope you chose the latter!

You attract the energy you radiate. If you’re putting bad vibes out there, you’re unlikely to attract the type of partner you desire. Dating and life is all about perspective. Without a shift in action or mental space, things won’t change. It’s highly likely you are your first and strongest limitation. (read this blog post to find out the one thing that will make you more attractive)

When you’re struggling to see the light of romance in a potential relationship or partner, think about what could go wrong. No, seriously! Think about what could go wrong and how you could solve it. You may constantly ask yourself questions like: What if I get cheated on? What if we break up? What if it’s not meant to be?

Instead of asking yourself the opposite, changing the “what if not”s to “what if”s, address potential problems before they happen. Think about how you would solve these potential problems you create in your head. Think about overcoming them. There will always be potential for negative consequences and heartbreak in any relationship, whether you make it to the altar or go on a few dates to a shared favorite restaurant.

Anything worth having never came easy. You have to work for it, and changing the way you approach dating in your head may be the perfect first step. Serve yourself first. Do yourself these favors by changing your dating philosophies for the better. Embrace your alter ego with this sort of confidence, and you are sure to breathe a little easier when you decide to step out onto the dating scene!

How will you change your mindset to become a higher performer on the dating scene? Tell me in the comments! I look forward to hearing from you.

We help executives, professionals, and millionaires find love. Don’t let the great insight stop here, we’re here to offer you the help you need to find true love. CONTACT US to see how we can help, or learn how you can become a member HERE.

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Why You Should Talk To Strangers

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