5 Tips on How to Get Women to Chase You

Are you tired of constantly chasing after women with no success? Are you tired of always being stuck in the friend zone or failing to make it past the talking stage? It’s time to flip the script and learn how to get women to chase you instead.

What if I told you I know 5 simple tips to make women interested in you, easy tips you can do every day… Would you be interested?

What if I told you that you could incorporate these tips anywhere, anytime, and no one would even know what you’re doing? Therefore, it makes it a no-brainer to use them every day.

Does this sound like something you could use? In this article, we’ll share some proven tips and strategies to make yourself irresistible to women and leave them wanting more. So sit back, take notes, and get ready to up your dating game.

Leave her wanting more

When you talk to her, make sure that she feels like she’s getting something valuable from the time spent with you. She should feel like you’re delivering some sort of value to her such as making her laugh, telling her a great story, or just having a good conversation.  

Consider yourself a generous person whose job is to deliver her something she’ll appreciate. This will make you much more attractive and leave her wanting to spend more time with you.

romantic couple

Don’t ask her. Tell her.

When you invite her out, you want to show her that you’re having a good time, are interesting, and that your life is exciting so she would want to join.  Asking someone to join you may create a sense of uncertainty.  Instead, you should have the attitude and relay the impression that of course, she should want to join you – who wouldn’t?  

Say, “We’re going to have drinks tonight. Come along,” versus, “Do you want to come for drinks tonight?”  The latter gives an impression of uncertainty in yourself and a hint of doubt that she’d want to go.  

You want your message to say “Of course, you want to go.”  It’s more confident and portrays a sense of leadership, traits that women are attracted to. 

You’re a Catch

She needs to see that you’re not desperate and that other women want you, but you don’t want her to think you’re a guy who just sleeps around either.  Make sure she sees that you’re gregarious, chivalrous, charming, funny, and friendly to everyone.  

Be extra polite and kind to the other women (especially older admin types).  Crack jokes and make sure she sees how fun you are with other people.  That way she’ll see you’re an all-around great guy that’s genuinely kind to other people.  This rarity will set you apart from every other guy that’s probably been hitting on her.

Don’t be too eager or available

If you ask her out, portray that you’re a busy guy.  You don’t want her to think you’re overly available and don’t have a life outside of her. You want her to think that your time is valuable and that you’re a guy in high demand.

If she sees you’re busy, she’ll value your time and hold you in higher regard. She’ll also be less likely to flake on you because she knows your time is valuable and she’ll respect that.

man woman dating

Talk about the future

Not in a way that is all butterflies and rainbows, but make a prediction about the date or time together.  If you’re going for a drink, say something like, “You strike me as a martini/beer/wine drinker” and she’ll inevitably ask you why you think that so you’ll want to make sure you have a comeback or just say, “I don’t know.  Something about you makes me think that.” You could also say, “You’re not going to make me do shots or anything, right?”  or “I’m not going to have to carry you to a cab after you have two drinks, right?”  Be playful and fun with her and get her to think about the future outing and place herself there.  It will automatically make her subconsciously commit to the date/get-together so she won’t flake out later.  Also, it shows her that you’re a dynamic man.

You need to remember that if she’s an attractive woman in a male-dominated environment, she probably is getting hit on constantly.  She’s going to have her guard up, but by following the above, you’re more likely to get through to her.

Remember, attracting women isn’t about changing who you are, it’s about showcasing your best self. Do you have any other tips to add? Share them in the comments below.

From how to dress for your first date to foolproof tips on how to make women you’re attracted to interested in you, we are always here to help. 

Are you ready to test these tips on how to get ideal women to chase you? The next big step is building chemistry with the person you like.

Do you have any other tips to help others who are struggling with relationships? Leave them in the comments below. 

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