
Why Matchmakers Are A Better Option Than Online Dating

Is Online Dating Ever Worth It?

As our reality becomes more entangled with the digital world, finding love is beginning to feel more like a game than an end goal as we continually swipe, scroll, and hope for the best. Many of us are chronically online in that we work, play, make connections, and live almost entirely via the Internet. To some degree, I’m guilty of this myself!

As other parts of our culture have become enmeshed with the Internet, so has the way we date. Over 380 million people globally used dating apps in 2023, which makes online dating the most popular way to find love. However, despite their popularity, studies are beginning to reveal the dark side of dating apps. Dating apps are linked to higher rates of depression, anxiety, and self-esteem issues, and have proven to be addicting.

This is where Matchmaking comes in. Unlike dating apps, Matchmaking services provide a personalized, supportive, and human-first approach that is far more focused on ensuring success for clients. On average, 85% of LUMA Luxury Matchmaking clients attain a committed relationship. In general, Matchmaking services are the better option for successful singles interested in a long-term, serious partnership.

However, that’s not to say that dating apps aren’t without their benefits, and Matchmaking is entirely without flaws. For singles still on the fence about which dating method is best for their needs, we’ve collected data to help you compare the pros and cons of dating apps and Matchmakers and understand more about the Matchmaking industry.

Are Matchmakers Still a Thing?

Yes, Matchmakers are definitely still a thing. Matchmaking has been around since the institution of marriage itself and is one of the oldest, most trusted dating methods. Having been around for literally thousands of years, it’s no wonder that Matchmaking services permeate cultures all across the globe.

Now, Matchmaking is seeing a significant comeback, so I don’t suspect it’s going to disappear anytime soon! As more singles continue to ditch dating apps, Matchmaking is predicted to dominate the next chapter of the dating scene.

Online dating profiles and memberships have been on a recent downturn, and they’re expected to decline significantly over the next few years. It’s really no surprise, as dating apps are the perfect platform for catfish, bots, and other date scammers to find their next victims, and Matchmaking services a more bespoke, personal, human-first approach to finding true love.

What Type of People use Matchmakers?

The type of people who use Matchmakers is often one of the misunderstood parts of Matchmaking. I know that it’s widely assumed that anyone who uses Matchmaking services is struggling in the dating scene and can’t find anyone romantically interested in them.

Honestly, that stereotype couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, the clients who seek the expertise of professional Matchmakers are often very successful people who have high standards and busy lives, which leaves them little time to actively seek out partnerships.

At LUMA, our clientele are successful, professional singles whom we’re confident we can help find true love. Our clients are celebrities, business owners, doctors, and other high-profile, desirable singles. Our member base is arguably comprised of some of the most eligible, attractive, and successful people in the US!

Are Matchmakers Better than Online Dating?

Studies show that online dating can be rewarding… but only for a select few. About 10% of matches lead to marriages, so not all hope is lost. Dating apps are also known to be time-consuming, confusing, and just plain scary to swipe left and right on hundreds of potential matches, with many connections leading nowhere.

Of course, my opinion on this topic is admittedly biased. However, as a Matchmaker with over two decades of experience, I’m not too pious to admit the flaws within my own industry.

If you’re debating on whether Matchmakers are better than online dating, I can honestly say that both options are worth your consideration. Here’s a comparison of each method’s pros and cons so that you can choose based on your relationship goals, time commitment, and level of investment.

Pros and Cons of Dating Apps

There’s no doubt that the biggest advantages of dating apps are convenience and ease of use. Many dating apps and sites are free, too, which doesn’t hurt. You can also pay for premium features, like advanced filters, super likes, and profile boosts, which are typically a much smaller charge than luxury Matchmaking services.


  • There’s no pressure. With dating apps, there’s not as much pressure to commit to any one match. In fact, about 40% of people on dating apps are looking for casual connections, not serious relationships. With Matchmaking services, you’re likely going to have a match pool that’s more focused on commitment and longevity, so if you’re not looking for a lifetime partner, you’ll probably meet more singles on dating apps who have the same relationship goals as you.
  • They’re great for practice. If you’ve been out of the dating scene for a minute, dating apps like Tinder and Bumble are great platforms to help you get back in the stride of meeting new people. More people than you might think use dating apps to “practice” talking and flirting before actually committing to dates. Just by putting yourself out there on dating apps, you’ll also solidify your deal breakers and non-negotiables.


  • They tend to be robotic and lack personalization. Dating app algorithms use an automated, one-size-fits-all approach. With most dating apps, you’ll never get to interact with a real person from the company. You also have to be vigilant for date scammers and catfish. Few, if any, dating apps offer coaching, life advice, and personal support, so you’ll be on your own completely to attract your best matches.
  • Swipe fatigue and dating burnout are common.  Recent studies show that scrolling and swiping can make members feel lonely, isolated, and even socially anxious. Being ghosted, not having enough matches, and not finding someone you connect with all take can negatively impact mental health. It’s estimated that dating app users face three times as much stress compared to non-users.

Pros and Cons of Matchmakers

Undoubtedly, the greatest advantage of using professional Matchmaking services is better quality matches. Because Matchmaking is both a science and an art, applying psychological principles, in-depth personality assessments, and deep intuition, it’s more supportive and tailored than dating apps. This curated, hands-on approach leads to more compatible matches who are actually on the same page as you!


  • Matchmakers are 100% confidential. By design, dating apps are public. Anyone can use your dating app profile information to find your social media accounts and other more personal details. Matchmakers, however, are committed to maintaining their client’s privacy. Most Matchmakers introduce their clients on a first-name basis to keep anonymity, and they’ll also confirm your interest before they send out your information to potential matches. In addition, the internal database used to find matches is only accessible to the Matchmakers.
  • You’ll have a dedicated date planner. Matchmakers don’t just find you matches, they plan, schedule, and coordinate dates for you, too! They mitigate the stress of planning dates and the fear of choosing the wrong date venue.  Your matchmaker will organize a day or night out that both parties will enjoy. Most Matchmakers plan, fun yet intimate activity-based dates to break up the monotony of the usual interview-style dinner date.


  • Matchmakers are expensive. Depending on the level of service you want and the scope of your match search, Matchmaking services range anywhere from $500 to $300,000! However, the average Matchmaking package tends to be around $10,000 to $25,000, and most Matchmakers offer customizable packages to fit their clients’ needs and preferences.
  • Not all Matchmakers are created equally. Unfortunately, with the increased demand for Matchmaking services, there have been tons of unestablished, unaccredited firms popping up across the US. Newer Matchmaking firms have smaller databases of singles, which means their clients have a smaller pool to choose from. This means that smaller firms can underdeliver and give you incompatible matches. Instead, it’s best to opt for a trusted, experienced Matchmaker to ensure you receive the best quality matches.

Which Option Is Right for You?

Whether dating apps or a Matchmaker is the best option for you ultimately comes down to what you’re looking for in a relationship and the level of support you need. Dating apps offer more convenience and immediate access to a seemingly unlimited number of matches. However, they often fail to create lasting, meaningful connections. Dating apps are also linked to higher rates of dating burnout and frustration than other dating methods.

Matchmakers, on the other hand, provide a more curated, personal experience that focuses on long-term compatibility and lasting connections. Matchmaking also boasts higher success rates and greater confidentiality than most dating apps. However, Matchmaking is a premium service with a luxury price tag and may require a bit of financial planning to invest in.

If you’re facing swipe fatigue, burnt out of dating apps, and are ready to invest in quality, compatible matches, and luxury, bespoke alternatives, LUMA Matchmaking is ready to guide you on your journey to find lasting love. We offer a unique, personalized, and highly supportive Matchmaking experience that takes the stress and anxiety out of dating.

Contact us today to learn more about our matchmaking services and membership options.

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