
Top 3 Dating Tips for Men and Women

A good friend of mine called the other day to tell me what a disastrous date she had. The guy who she was out with for the first time ordered some tortilla chips with guacamole. He loved the appetizer so much that he began wiping the bowl clean with his fingers and licking it. Needless to say, she ended the date by wrapping up politely and never called him back.

Now, I’m not saying that you’re like this guy, but if you’re trying to improve your dating experiences, you’ll want to pay attention. Follow these tips and you will soon be on your way to a wonderful relationship!

1. Socialize

One of the most important parts of dating is improving your communication skills. You have to get out more often, meet new people, and learn how to talk. They say “Practice makes perfect” so, in order to learn to communicate, start by talking to everyone around you, from the dry cleaning lady to the old man that passes in front of your house every morning.

By talking to everyone, you’ll become more social, and you’ll find it easier to talk to the stranger standing right in front of you that you find so attractive. If you think you’re shy, then ask questions. People love to talk about themselves and appreciate it when others take a genuine interest in them.

2. Have A Positive Attitude

Your dating experience is determined by your attitude. The most effective way to meet the person you’re finding attractive is to do it with a positive attitude, and an open mind. Dating and interacting with new people should be fun. Don’t be picky and leave the critical attitude at home.

We can learn a lot from the people that surround us and from the new people we met, as they can share with us their life experiences, and the obstacles they’ve overcome.

3. Avoid Clichés

To improve your dating skills you have to be a little more creative and replace those clichés with something original. Questions like ‘Where are you from?’, and ‘Where did you go for school?’ will turn your date into a stale, interview-like conversation.

One fun thing you can try is taking some questions from Author Mandy Len Catron’s Modern Love essay, “To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This,” where she explores whether intimacy between two strangers can be accelerated by having them ask each other a specific series of personal questions. The 36 questions in the study are broken up into three sets, with each set intended to be more probing than the previous one. This makes people get closer and closer by revealing more and more about themselves.

So what are you waiting for? Keep these tips in mind and dive into the dating game!

Do you have any advice on how people can improve their dating skills? Share your tips with us in the comment section below!

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