How to avoid making the #1 texting mistake with a crush

As a professional matchmaker and dating coach, oftentimes people ask me what to text someone they’re interested in. Well, I can’t give you one silver bullet, but here’s one major tip anyone can implement.

Don’t spend a lot of time writing extensive text messages!

If you’re just getting to know someone, don’t spend a lot of time writing long drawn out messages or asking impersonal questions like “What places have you traveled?” Those conversations should be reserved for in-person conversations. Instead limit text conversations to what’s necessary such as letting them know you’ve arrived at your meeting point, making plans to see each other with regards to dates and times, or simple flirty texts that leave people thinking and wanting more, like, “You looked great tonight.” or “I had a nice time.“

Trying to get to know their life story through back and forth long text messages is a big no-no.

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2 thoughts on “How to avoid making the #1 texting mistake with a crush”

  1. jkhn Alexander says:

    April gives great, simple advice to create relationship building. Those text messages that require a long answer and are better served in person should be a chapter in your book! Keep up the great work!

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