Finding a Professional Matchmaker and Dating Service by Location

Connecting You with Successful Singles across the Country

Everyone deserves a healthy, loving relationship. That’s why Luma Luxury Matchmaking wants to help successful singles across the country find their One. We grant you access to a 20,000-strong pool of bachelors and bachelorettes from the East Coast to the West Coast. This way, you significantly raise your chances of meeting the person you can call a kindred spirit.

Different states have their personalities, but we promise, we don’t identify our clients based on their home state. Luma knows you’re much more colorful than that. It doesn’t matter whether you’re native to the fast-paced lifestyle of central New York or were born to the laidback lifestyle of suburban Minnesota or something in between. Our matchmakers get to know you on a personal level to find out what you look for and what you can offer in a relationship.

Then, we scour our pool of successful, career-driven individuals to find someone who fits the bill — someone who is looking for someone like you.

We bridge romantic connections with singles from:

Over 85% Success Rate Finding Love

"Imagine my surprise when I met the love of my life through LUMA. Thank you so much for changing my life!"
Jay And Kathi - Perfect Partner At Luma
Jay and Kathi
"I just wanted to say thank you for introducing me to Jason. He's the love of my life and we'll be forever grateful."
Jason And Khrystena - Perfect Partner At Luma.
Jason and Khrystena
"I am very pleased to be working with April and her staff. I cannot imagine dating in any other context."
Kenton And Coleen - Perfect Partner At Luma
Kenton and Coleen

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